Successfullydeveloped 2.25Cr1Mo heat exchange tube for fast reactor steam generator

Successfully developed 690 special-shapedtubes for on offshore special platforms


Accomplished the export of 690 steeltube of nuclear power generator for HL1000 which was fully developed by Chinawith complete IPs.

Successfully developed New 13# alloytube for nuclear power generator which was verified by 991 Institute Office andreached the requirement of massive production.

G115(08Cr9W3Co3VNbCuBN) steel tubesfor coal power boilers was approved by National Boiler Committee as thereaching of standard requirements.

Drafted the National Standard GB/T34107-2017 named “Precision Seamless Steel Tube for Breaking System of RailTransit Vehicles. Participated as the 1st group of China SteelIndustry Association to draft the standards for “08Cr9W3Co3VNbCuBN(G115) the new Martensite Anti-heating Steel Tubes forPower Station”.

Successfully developed C276 Alloytube, 625 Alloy Tube, 740H Alloy Tube and 617 Alloy Tube mainly forPetro-chemical, CSP and Coal-power industry(700℃ Ultra-Supercritical station).

Successfully developed and iscapable of massive production of the N08825 ultra-long and thick-wall alloycoil-spiral tubes for medium discharge steam generator with its total length of30 meters.


Finished and delivered 38 sets ofHeat-exchange Modules of Nuclear Steam Generator of High-temperatureGas-cooling Nuclear Project, as the 4th generation nucleartechnology which is applied in the demonstrative High-temperature Gas-coolingNuclear Project of Huaneng Shidaowan.

Successfully researched and producedthe six-angels coating tube for fast reactor nuclear project.

Up to date, Baoyin is underresearching of Coating Tubes for Fast Reactor, TP304 Space -bending tube forin-process heat-exchanger, T22 Heat-exchanger tube and coil-bending tubes forsmall-size nuclear power generator. 


From January to August, Baoyinsupplied about 162 tons of 690 Nuclear Tubes of 3 Nuclear Steam Generator forK2 project in Pakistan.

Launching the official production ofHeat-exchange Modules of Nuclear Steam Generator of High-temperatureGas-cooling Nuclear Project, and finished its first-set delivery.


Participated in drafting theNational Steel Tube Standard GB24512.3-2014 PartIII Seamless Steel Tube forNuclear Power Plants and drafting the Standard for Examination & AcceptanceTesting Diameters for Austenitic Seamless Steel Thermal Power

Participated in drafting 3 IndustryStandards for Nuclear Power Equipment production, Q320282PGM008 Heat-transferTubes for High-pressure Heaters in Nuclear Power Plant, Q320282PGM009-2013Austenitic Seamless Steel Tubes for Nuclear Components in Nuclear Power Plant,Q320282PGM010-2013 Austenitic Seamless Steel Tube for Grade II & IIINuclear Power Heat-exchanger

Participated in 2 “863” NationalMajor Scientific Research and Development Projects, Inconel 740H Nickel AlloyHigh-temperature Steel Tubes for Boilers in Ultra Supercritical Thermal PowerPlants and new-type Heat-resistance Austenitic Steel Tubes for UltraSupercritical Thermal Power Plants

Completion of dynamic-performanceexamination device for testing Heat-transfer Tubes for CAP1400 Nuclear PowerPlants

Developed small-sized Ultra-longTP316 Seamless Stainless Steel Coiled tubes (87m) for Coiled Furnace for SNPTCResearch & Technology Institute


Organized to draft national standardSeamless Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube for Heat-exchanger of Nuclear PowerPlant

Developed Spiral tube for nuclear class1 high pressure cooler of C3/C4 Unit of Chashma Nuclear Power Plant

Successfully accomplished researchand development of U-bent tube for outside heat-exchanger of CAP 1400 nuclearreactor coolant pump


Developed N08904 (904L) Superaustenitic stainless steel seamless steel tube used in petroleum, chemicalequipment, sulfuric acid storage and transportation equipment, seawatertreatment plant, etc.

Developed S32750 (SAF2507) Superduplex stainless steel seamless tube used in chemical processing, petrochemicaland submarine equipment

Commercial application with highprecision duplex stainless steel seamless tubes in the first 200, 000 tonsepoxyethane reactor in China


As a member of China FRA,participated in research and development of pipe and tube used in fast neutronnuclear reactor

Developed TP347H tube in largeoutside diameter and heavy wall thickness for and replaced the importedcounterpart


Developed Grade II & III heatexchanger tubes for nuclear power plant and technically approval by NuclearEquipment Certification and Evaluation Center of CGNPC

Developed furnace tube used in8,000,000 tons crude distillation unit for Changling Refinery

Developed precipitation hardenedmartensitic stainless steel tubes applied to high-thrust rocket engine


Started to develop spiral-coiledtube in Steam Generator for high temperature gas-cooling nuclear reactor. Thesingle length of the tube before spiraling reaches 60m. The research anddevelopment of spiral tube in Steam Generator solved the difficult of keycomponent localization of high temperature gas-cooled reactor.

Obtained Civil Nuclear SafetyEquipment Manufacture Certificate from National Nuclear Safety Administration

Organized to draft national standardGB/T 24591-2009 Seamless Steel Tube for High Pressure Water-feeding Heaters

Organized to draft national standardYB/T 4025-2009 Austenitic Stainless Steel U-bent Seamless Tube forWater-feedingr Heaters, which was awarded international-leading level byNational Steel Standard Committee.


UNS S30432 Seamless Steel Tube usedin Ultra Super Critical Boiler for Power Station had passed the approval byexperts of CSCBPV

Developed TP316LN seamless stainlesssteel tube, which had been used for the first acetic acid-ethylene reactorproject of SINOPEC

Bright annealed high precision tubeused for brake assembly of CRH had been successfully developed and substitutedimported counterpart

S31803/SAF2205 seamless duplexstainless steel tube had been developed and passed technology approval ofCSCBPV


Bright annealed high precisionstainless steel tubes (Φ25×0.7×11337mm) were supplied to an Indian power plant

Baoyin Special Steel Tube LimitedCompany was established by YINHUAN and Baosteel to research,develop and manufacture U-bent Inconel 690 tube, whichhas been incorporated into National Science and Technology Major Project

Successfully developed RCC-M Class 2heat-exchanger tube which had passed certification and been used for sprayingsystem heat-exchanger of vessel container


Bright-annealed Seamless StainlessSteel Tube (Φ18×2×19500mm) for the High Pressure Circling Heat Exchanger usedin Hydrogenating-Cracking Equipment for SINOPEC Zhenhai Refinery had beensuccessfully developed and substituted the imported counterpart which firstlyrealized the localization production of small diameter-long tubes


Developed TP347H high pressureboiler steel tube used in USC boiler, which filled the gaps and substitutedimported counterpart.


Successful commercial applicationwith High and low pressure U-bent tubes used in large power plant which filledthe gaps and substituted imported counterpart to meet requirements for electricpower equipment industry & widely adopted by TOSHIBA,HITACHI and MITUBISHI.




Developed Corrosion resistant alloysteel tubes such as Monel400, N6-Nickel Tube and Inconel 600t/a used inmilitary industry for 404 Plant of State Nuclear Industry Ministry


Developed the 40CrNiMo high strengthalloy copper-cladded steel tube used in super high pressure reactor of largeHydrogenating equipment for Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation. The steel tubecan endure a working pressure of 3600Kg/ cm2,and substituted importedcounterparts


Seamless stainless steel tube usedin the exhaust heat boiler ER-210A, Bof SINOPEC Tianjing Refinery had been developedsuccessfully


Seamless alloy steel tube used inhigh efficiency heat exchanger for 60,000 tons ethylene project of YangtzePetrochemical Corporation had been successfully developed as the firstmanufacturer in China


Seamless stainless steel tube usedin E11 exchanger for Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation had been developedsuccessfully, and substituted imported tubes from Japan

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